毎年お越しくださっているリピーターのユキオさんが、今年もウィルに来てくださいました!生徒さんが戻ってきてくださるのは本当に嬉しいことです^^「ドゥマゲッティの優しくてのどかな雰囲気が大好きなんです」とおっしゃるユキオさん。もはやドゥマゲッティの一員です! また来年お会いしましょう♪
ハヤタさんは、もともと12週間の予定だった留学を一か月延長! 毎日一生懸命英語の勉強に励みました。先生たちもその上達ぶりに大感動。卒業スピーチでは、先生とスタッフたちへの感謝の気持ちを語ってくれました。是非またドゥマゲッティに戻ってきてくださいね~!
フレンドリーでとってもノリがいいヤスタカさん。授業でもアクティビティでも、自分から積極的に話しかける姿勢が印象的でした。3ヶ月間で英会話力はみるみるアップ!卒業式ではミュージカル「アニー」から「Tomorrow」の歌を披露。最後までみんなを楽しませてくれました^^ 再会を楽しみにしていますよ~!
カナダに留学している中、学校の長期休暇を利用してさらにフィリピン留学に来てくれたヤヤさん。ここでも1日7時間の勉強に熱心に取り組みました。週末にはアクティビティにも参加して、2ヶ月の間に友達もたくさんできましたね! カナダに戻ってもどうかお元気で! また遊びに来てください~!
We had a graduation ceremony for our 6 students and a BBQ party last Friday!
👨🎓Mr.Yukio (4 weeks/4 classes per day course)
Mr.Yukio, who was one of our repeat students, came to the academy to study again!
We are so happy whenever our students come back to this school.
He said that he really loves the peaceful atmosphere of Dumaguete.
He is already a member of the school family! So he can come back again!
👨🎓Mr.Hayata (16 weeks/7 classes per day course)
Actually his original plan of studying abroad was for only 12 weeks, but he extended for one month!
He studied English very hard every day, so he improved so much.
In his graduation speech, he expressed his gratitude to the teachers and staffs.
We are proud of you, Mr.Hayata!
👨🎓Mr.Yasutaka(12 weeks/5 classes per day course)
Mr.Yasutaka, a friendly and cheerful man, spent a wonderful time in this academy.
It was impressive that he always had a positive attitude to speak in English with other students having different nationalities.
His English speaking skills really improved in these three months!
At the graduation ceremony, he sang "Tomorrow" from the musical "Annie". It was touching!
👩🎓Ms.Yaya(8 weeks/7 classes per day course)
Ms.Yaya, who studied in Canada, came to our academy during the long vacation.
She dedicated her time to study English 7 hours a day, and she also enjoyed visiting many places, so she made a lot of friends for just 2 months!
👩🎓Ms.Momo &
👩🎓Ms.Hana(2 weeks/specific course for high school students)
Ms.Momo and Ms.Hana, who were very close friends, joined our spring vacation special program for Japanese high school students to study English in this school.
They studied English in not only one-on-one lessons but also group lessons on weekdays.
They also enjoyed sightseeing in Siquijor Island and Oslob Cebu(whale sharks watching) on weekends.
They made a lot of great memories during thier stay here even though it was just a short period of time.
At the graduation ceremony, they gave a short play, which they practiced in group lessons, as their graduation speech. It was great!
Thank you all!
We are looking forward to seeing you guys again^^