勇気を持ってペーパーレスで卒業スピーチに臨まれたジュンイチさん。キラキラした瞳で「これから世界中を旅したい」と語ってくれました。「またここに来て、今度はもっと長く学びたい」という言葉が、教師・スタッフ一同とても嬉しかったです! きっとまたすぐ会えますね! 楽しみにしています^^
フィリピン留学はバギオに続いて2都市目のカオリさん。ドゥマゲテではスピーキングに力を入れて、観光もしまくって生きた英語を実践! メキメキ上達されました。そして驚くべきはその歌唱力! クリスマスパーティー、さらに卒業式でも披露してくれたその美声に、みんなうっとり。あの歌声がしばらく聴けないなんて、寂しい><
とってもCheerfulでCute! 学校のムードメーカーだったリョウコさん。英語の勉強はもちろん、ハロウィンやクリスマスイベント、マリンアクティビティも思いっきり楽しんでいました。 卒業スピーチでは、夢を諦めないことの大切さを語ってくれました。そして「私を決して忘れないで!」と。We"ll never forget you~!!
We had a graduation ceremony for 3 of our students last Friday.
We always feel so sad when we see off someone, but their passionate speeches always encourage us!
★Mr.Junichi(3 weeks/6 classes per day course)
We are proud that he gave his speech without reading any paper! He told us that one of his purpose for learning English is traveling around the world. He also said he wants to come back here and
learn more English . We are really looking forword to see you again!
★Ms.Kaori(12 weeks/5 classes per day course)
She had wounderful experience with practical English here by taking speaking classes and sightseeing, so she improved her English so much! As a treat, we were really really touched by her amazing
and bliliant voice when she sang at the Chirstmas party and Graduation ceremony. We'll miss her song forever...
★Ms.Ryoko(12 weeks/7 classes per day course)
Her character is really cute and cheerful, so everybody loved her. She really enjoyed not only learning English but also seasonal events and Marine activities. She told us the importance of never
giving up on our dreams in her speech. We"ll never forget you!!
Thank you very much all!
See you guys soon again^^