

圧倒的な学習意欲で4週間を駆け抜けたカナエさん。毎日英語の勉強ノートを片手に街へ出て、フィリピン人をはじめ様々な国籍の人たちに積極的に話しかけ、生きた英語をとことん実践しました。ペーパーレスで臨んだ卒業スピーチでは、カナエさんの真心がひしひしと伝わってきましたTT また会いましょうね~!


グレゴリー君のお姉さんのアナスタシアさんは、毎日4時間の授業に熱心に取り組みながら、アクティビティにも積極的に参加。国籍を超えた友達がたくさんできました^^ 将来の夢は世界的なアーティストになることだそうで、生徒たちが着ている猫のイラストのシャツはなんと彼女のデザインです!また遊びに来てくださいね~!


We had a graduation ceremony for our 3 students last Friday.

👩‍🎓Ms.Kanae(4 weeks/6 classes per day course)
Her passion in studying English was amazing.
She always brought her study note, and went out to practice English conversations with people of various nationalities everyday.
In graduation ceremony, she gave her speech without reading any paper. It was touching!

👨‍🎓Mr.Gregory(12 weeks/2 classes per day course)
Mr.Gregory was the youngest student that came from Russia.
At first he was a little embarrassed to speak English, but he improved his English dramatically in 12 weeks.
Finally, he gave us an amazingly fluent speech at the graduation ceremony!
We hope that he will become a great pilot in the future.

👩‍🎓Ms.Anastacia(12 weeks/4 classes per day course)
Ms.Anastasia, Gregory's elder sister, studied hard with 4 classes everyday, and also actively participated in our weekend activities.
So she had a lot of friends here.
Her future dream was to become a global artist.
Actually, the cat illustration shirts worn by the students were designed by her!

Thank you all!
We are looking forward to seeing you guys again^^