放課後は毎日のように街に繰り出し、カフェやレストランを開拓しまくったナナカさん。もちろん勉強も1日7時間しっかり取り組み、卒業スピーチでは「英語を話すことが怖くなくなった」と成果を語ってくれました^^ ぜひまたドゥマゲッティに遊びに来てください!待ってますよ~♪
2週間という短い期間でしたが、勉強だけでなくダイビングもしっかり満喫されたマサハルさん。そして実は、もうリピートが決まっているとか! というわけで今回は卒業スピーチはおあずけでした^^ 先生・スタッフみんなでお戻りをお待ちしてますね~!
We had a graduation ceremony for 2 of our students last Friday.
Ms.Nanaka(4 weeks/7 classes per day course)
She went out after her classes almost everyday and enjoyed many cafes and restaurants in Dumaguete.
She also dedicated to study English.
We were glad to hear that she said "I'm not afraid of speaking English any more".
Thank you for coming Ms.Nanaka! Let's meet again!
Mr.Masaharu(2 weeks/4 classes per day course)
Even though his period was only 2 weeks, he enjoyed not only studying English but also he enjoyed diving here in Dumaguete.
Actually he already decided to come back here!
All teachers and staffs are looking forward to see you soon, Mr.Masaharu!