


平日はみっちり勉強、週末はアクティビティと、大充実だったヨリノリさん。ラスト1週間はプレゼンテーションコースで1日9時間の凄まじい追い込み! その成果がいかんなく発揮された卒業プレゼン、最高にCOOLでした^^ また遊びに来てくださいね~!

みんなと仲良し!笑顔がとっても明るいミドリさん。先生の名前を毛筆で書いてくれたり、マンゴーフロートをつくってくれたり、思い出をいっぱいプレゼントしてくれました。卒業スピーチには先生たちも思わず涙。。きっとまたすぐ会えますよね! 楽しみにしています^^

韓国からいらっしゃったパクさんファミリーのお父さん、ジョンワンさん。とっても穏やかで優しいジョンワンさんですが、趣味はダイビングでとてもアクティブ! ドゥマゲッティの海を気に入ってくださって嬉しいです^^ またいつでも遊びに来てください~!

パクさんファミリーのお母さん、ヒョンヒさん。笑顔がとってもキュートなヒョンヒさんは、英語はもちろんのこと、なんと元々習得されていた日本語もさらに上達されました! ドゥマゲッティを「第二の故郷」と言ってくださいました^^ いつでも帰ってきてくださいね~!

パクさんファミリーの長男、ジウ君。英語のあまりの上達ぶりに、先生たちは度肝を抜かれました! チョコレート大好き、アリの観察大好き、ゲームも大好き。 みんなに愛されすぎて、なんだかもうウィルみんなの子どものようでした^^ 大人になってもドゥマゲッティのこと忘れないで~!

パクさんファミリーの長女、ジウンさん。「本当にここが初めての留学なの!?」とビックリしてしまうくらい、英会話がとってもスムーズ! 先生たちともあっという間に仲良しに。ジウ君を支えるしっかり者のお姉さんでもありました^^ またいつでも遊びに来てね~!




Various people gather in our academy.
Each has a different background and a purpose.
Our six students graduated our academy last Friday.


Mr.Yoshinori(4 weeks/8 classes per day course)
He had fulfilling days here. He studied so hard on weekdays, played much on weekends. He also took our Presentation Program and gave his own presentation in front of all of students. It was so cool!

Ms.Midori(12 weeks/6 classes per day course)
Her smile is like sunshine! So she got along with everyone in an instant. She wrote our teacher's name in Japanese calligraphy. She gave us a lot of memories. We were moved by her warmful graduation speech.

Mr.Jungwan(8 weeks/5 classes per day course)
He is the father of the Park family who came from South Korea. His character is so gentle and he really loves diving. We are glad he enjoyed not only studying English but also he enjoyed diving the beautiful sea here in Dumaguete!

Ms.Hyunhee(4 weeks/5 classes per day course)
She is the mother of the Park family. Her character is so cute and cheerful. Surprisingly, she improved not only her English but also she learned Japanese! She said Dumaguete is her second home^^

Mr.Jiwoo(8 weeks/8 classes per day course)
He is the only son of Mr.Jungwan and Ms.Hyunhee. All teachers were surprised that he made remarkable progress in English! He loves chocolates. He likes to observe ants, and loves to play mobile games. Everyone adored him so we felt that he is as if a child of our own^^

Ms.Jieun(4 weeks/5 classes per day course)
She is the only daughter of Mr.Jungwan and Ms.Hyunhee. We were surprised when we heard that this was her first time studying abroad because her English speaking skills were already fluent! She became a friend with teachers quickly. She was also a reliable person and a responsible elder sister to Jiwoo^^


Thank you very much!
See you guys soon^^